Monday, December 8, 2008

House Pictures

Logan standing where his future bedroom will be before we broke ground.

Logan watching the excavation..........and playing in the dirt.

Logan and Grandpa Ed watching them pour the concrete basement floor. It was really cold that morning.

Later that day, our beloved dog, Cami, crossed the road and put her tracks in the basement floor AND the garage floor. Luckily the guys were still there and able to fix it. Gotta love that dog!!!

Pouring the basement floor.

Here is a picture of the east wall of the basement. It is a walkout with a door and window.

I have more pictures...the house was delivered today...but have run out of time. I have to run to night class. They are supposed to set the house on the basement tomorrow (Dec 9 ), but with rain in the forecast, I'm sure we'll have to wait a while.


chayes50 said...

Very Awesome!!

Janna said...

YEAH! HOUSE PICTURES!!! I have been waiting 'somewhat patiently' for them!!!!!!!! hahahah

It looks GREAT! I can't wait to see it live.
