Thursday, August 21, 2008

Logan's First Trip to the ER...

I'm posting the ER story first...his picture is last. This is your warning in case you don't care to see Logan's fresh stitches:)

Logan fell down a few stairs at my parents' house (July 27) and hit the brick fireplace to the right of his right eye. We waited over an hour at Clay County Hospital (in Flora) to see a doctor. The doctor that was working when we registered was at the end of his shift. I am almost certain that when he heard there was a 2 1/2 year old that needed stitches in the waiting room, he let us wait just long enought to pass us off to the next doctor. It took 4 adults to restrain Logan so that the doctor could give Logan 3 stitches.

We had a much better time getting them out a few days later with our nurse-practitioner...she was good!

Here are a few misc. pictures from the last month...

Logan loves playing with Thomas the Train. He already has a list of trains he wants for his birthday in November.

I'm posting this picture to prove that Logan does have bad days and isn't always smiling for the camera.

Logan loves his cousins.

Here he is holding Tanner (Shannon & John's girl) even thought she is 1 year old and walking now!

Here he is trying to give Landrey kisses! She is almost 18 months old now.

Here are the fresh stitches!


Janna said...

Thanks for the update! I was waiting for some new photos!

The Schwengels said...

Poor Logan! I know how hard it is to get drops in a 2 1/2 year old...Can't imagine stitches!!! I'm sure it was just as traumatic for you & Matt as it was for Logan.